Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I found an article posted by Shelby Knox! Looks like she hasn't stopped fighting for what she believes in. The article was posted on

here's the link

The article talks about Christine O'Donnell and the issues surrounding her.
Thought it was interesting to hear from Shelby again!


  1. Wow that's great to see that Shelby has not given up on challenging abstinence only policies. It's seems that she has branched out even further in these past years to also challenge gender roles. It's always encouraging to read about people who are continuing to fight the good fight.

  2. I think it's awesome that Shelby Knox is still fighting towards her advocacy of sex education, yet I can't help but feel that she is talking down to the reader in this article. That ended up being a huge turn-off for me reading this. Granted, it may have been previous notions I have of Shelby, I'm really not sure. That's super cool that you found her hidden amongst the indefinite number of sex education articles on the internet, though.
